Would you, your organization, or your church like to make a contribution to the Tennessee Baptist Church Music Conference? Your donation will aid in the ongoing mission and purpose of our organization--including mission trips, recordings, new music commissions, and much more!
For more information about the TBCMC Patron Program please read this Patron Letter.
When you're ready to become a patron, please complete our form and provide payment information at the following link: Patron Form.
Platinum Patron – $1,000 or more
Gold Patron – $500-999
Silver Patron – $250-499
Bronze Patron – $100-249
Patron – $1-99
2023-2024 Patrons Listed Below
Platinum Patrons ($1000 or more)
Joe and Gwenn Fitzpatrick in memory of Fes and Barbara Robertson; Bill and Marilyn Fitzpatrick
Gold Patrons ($500-999)
Elwood D. Doss, Jr in memory of Carolyn Sims Doss
Silver Patrons ($250-499)
Mike and Joy Bundon in honor/memory of Mr. and Mrs. Bundon and Mr. and Mrs. Blake
Bronze Patrons ($100-249)
Susan Huffaker
Patrons ($1-99)
Kim Lee and Sandy Ray in honor of Jeremy O'Neal